"Shadow" Signature (CUSTOM COLORS)
"Shadow" Signature (CUSTOM COLORS)
One shadow signature in the text box of your Magic the Gathering card that Eric illustrated. The base color and “shadow” color can be any color you request.
Base color recommendations: Gold, Bronze, Metallic Sapphire Sharpie (sky blue), Metallic Emerald Sharpie (green), Metallic Ruby Sharpie (a pinkish red), Silver (my least favorite option).
Shadow colors: This can be just about anything! Eric will let you know if he doesn’t have it—but he has a sizable collection.
If you have a red/blue card, it looks really nice with a gold base with a red/blue combo shadow. Check out the photo here for an example. Eric can do this for any card color combo.
Inside the United States INSTRUCTIONS:
When mailing your cards to be signed, please include a self addressed envelope with the postage prepaid. Please include a copy of your order if you have easy access to a printer. If you do not have access to a printer, please note the number of signatures, types of signatures, and the order number inside the package with your cards. Mail your cards to:
Eric Deschamps
Po Box 364
Gardiner, NY 12525
If you send multiple cards please do not sleeve them all individually.
Outside of the U.S. - International INSTRUCTIONS:
When mailing your cards in to be signed, add one “International Shipping” item to your cart before checking out. Please include a self addressed envelope and a copy of your order. If you do not have access to a printer, please note the number of signatures, types of signatures, and the order number inside the package with your cards. Mail your cards to:
Eric Deschamps
Po Box 364
Gardiner, NY 12525
If you send multiple cards please do not sleeve them all individually.