"Shadow" Signature
"Shadow" Signature
One gold signature with black underlining located in the text box of your Magic the Gathering card that Eric illustrated.
Inside the United States INSTRUCTIONS:
When mailing your cards to be signed, please include a self addressed envelope with the postage prepaid. Please include a copy of your order if you have easy access to a printer. If you do not have access to a printer, please note the number of signatures, types of signatures, and the order number inside the package with your cards. Mail your cards to:
Eric Deschamps
Po Box 364
Gardiner, NY 12525
If you send multiple cards please do not sleeve them all individually.
Outside of the U.S. - International INSTRUCTIONS:
When mailing your cards in to be signed, add one “International Shipping” item to your cart before checking out. Please include a self addressed envelope and a copy of your order. If you do not have access to a printer, please note the number of signatures, types of signatures, and the order number inside the package with your cards. Mail your cards to:
Eric Deschamps
Po Box 364
Gardiner, NY 12525
If you send multiple cards please do not sleeve them all individually.